Compassionate Care
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Compassionate Care

Your Needs Come First

At Touching Hearts at Home of Rochester, our experienced Caregivers provide what we call Person-Centered Care.
To ensure that every client receives individualized care, we:
  • Identify unique physical, emotional and spiritual needs
  • Learn about interests, hobbies and favorite activities, and incorporate these preferences into our plan of care.
Staying socially active is an important part of healthy aging. In addition to offering companionship and conversation, our experienced Caregivers can help you continue to engage in social activities.
Caregivers can accompany you and/or provide transportation to:
  • Visit family and friends
  • Go to a park, zoo, waterfront or art museum
  • Go to the theater, symphony or a movie
  • Attend your church or religious organization of choice

The Smart Choice for Home Care

  • Flexible. Whether you need 24-hour assistance or a few hours a week, long-term or on-call care, we can make it work. As your needs change over time, we can adjust your plan of care.
  • Reliable and secure. All Caregivers are bonded and insured, have passed background checks, and are professionally trained.
  • Open and inclusive. We believe everyone has the right to respectful and skilled care.
  • Collaborative. We can partner with your health care provider to ensure consistent care.
  • The smart choice. Touching Hearts at Home can help you or a loved one continue living life to the fullest.

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